If you have difficulty reading "Old Secretary" type scripts this may help.
Building Basic Family Trees
Some of these are small societies and a stamped addressed reply envelope is normally appreciated when writing to them for information.
Anglo - German FHS
20 Skylark Rise, Plymouth, Devon PL6 7SN
Catholic FHS
45 Gates Green Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9DE
Website: catholicfhs.online
Families in British India Society
81 Rosewood Avenue, Elm Park, Hornchurch Essex RM12 5LD
Website: www.fibis.org
Genealogical Society of Utah (UK)
185 Penns Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B76 1JU
Huguenot & Walloon Research Association
Malmaison, Church Street, Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire SN8 3PE
Also see Huguenot Society
Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
Finchley Synagogue, Kinloss Gardens, London N3 3DU
Open University (A173 and other courses)
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK7 6AA
Website: www.open.ac.uk
Museum of Freemasonry
Freemasons' Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ
Website: museumfreemasonary.org.uk/freemasonry-and-family-history
Romany & Traveller FHS
Sec. Margaret Montgomery, 7 Park Rise, Northchurch, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 3RT
Website: www.rtfhs.org.uk
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